Reverse Transcriptase Wiki

ReverseTranscriptase is a wiki for student-to-student feedback for M2-M4. The original content was derived from, "The Unofficial Guide to M3."

Use the "M2, M3, M4 ..." menus at the top to browse and edit content, or click, "add a page" to create a new page. If you add a page, please add a category in the bottom of the editing window to help automate the navigation of the site. Limit categories to M2, M3 or M4, with M4 being a catch-all for electives, applying, interviewing, advice for specific specialty interests, etc.

Please contribute by editing pages, rather than as "comments" at the bottom, as "comments" cannot be edited by future contributors.

Code of Conduct

1) Be professional! The aim is to help other students make good decisions and navigate potentially difficult encounters. While we hope for candid advice that will improve the experiences of future students, criticism of specific individuals is not welcome. Simply ask yourself, "would I be comfortable if someone posted this comment about me?"

2) Be discrete. The wiki is intended to be written and used by local students. Please do not post links to this site on-line or on college mailing lists.

3) As a wiki, this is a self-policing community: users should delete, edit or modify one another's comments in order to preserve professionalism and come to consensus.

4) If you use the wiki, pay it forward by contributing!
